The 5th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing
(IEEE CSCloud 2018)
June 22-24, 2018, Shanghai, China.


The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Reinforcement Learning (ICRL 2018)

Articifical intelligence has been dramatically changing people's life. As one of the significant intelligent techniques, reinforcement learning (RL) is a controllable and understandable approach to drive people's life smarter. The core of this techniques uses dynamic programming, which is inspired by behaviourist psychology. The development of reinforcement learning also has a great impact on the deployment of cloud computing and other disciplines in smart computing. This symposium aims to provide researchers with a forum that collects recent achievements in this field.

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to: Paper Submission Guidelines:
Papers should be within 6 pages in length total and use the IEEE Computer Society template. All submissions must describe original research, not published nor currently under review for other workshops, conferences, or journals. Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to attend the workshop and present the paper. Selected best papers will be recommended to the EI indexed journals, For more information, please contact Symposium Chair: Keke Gai at

The 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Smart Fog (SmartFog 2018)

The rapid development of cloud computing combing with Internet-of-Things (IoT) has dramatically increased the power the network in the industry. However, a pure cloud computing cannot satisfy the computing demand in big data due to the large-sized data transfers. Fog/edge computing is considered an alternative solution to the problem of big data communications by adding a new server layer and fully utilizing edge devices. This symposium aims to collect recent qualty research achievements in the field of fog/edge computing and provide scholars with a platform for sharing their studies, investigations, and research.

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to: Paper Submission Guidelines:
Papers should be within 6 pages in length total and use the IEEE Computer Society template. All submissions must describe original research, not published nor currently under review for other workshops, conferences, or journals. Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to attend the workshop and present the paper. Selected best papers will be recommended to the EI indexed journals, For more information, please contact Symposium Chair: Keke Gai at
