Journal Special Issues
It has been confirmed that distinguished papers published at IDS-2019 will have a priority for considerations in the following listed special issues after the revisions.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (JCR Q1, IF: 5.4), special section on Emerging Privacy and Security Issues brought by Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Informatics (SS: Emerging Privacy and Security Issues brought by Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Informatics)
IEEE Network Magazine (JCR Q1, IF: 7.2), special issue on Enabling Networked Services and Technologies for Connected Healthcare(SI: Network Technologies for Connected Healthcare)
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, special issue on Social Sensing and Privacy Computing in Intelligent Social Systems (SI: Social Sensing and Privacy Computing in Intelligent Social Systems)
Future Generation Computer Systems (JCR Q2, IF: 4.6), special issue on Artificial Intelligence Defined Networks (SI: AI-Defined-Networks)
Information Sciences (JCR Q2, IF: 4.3), special issue on Secure Data Science and Big Knowledge (SI: Secure Data Science and Big Knowledge)
Information Sciences (JCR Q2, IF: 4.3), special issue on Safety and Security for Ubiquitous Computing and Communications (SI: SSUCC)
Applied Soft Computing (JCR Q2, IF: 3.9), special issue on Emerging Soft Computing Methodologies in Deep Learning and Applications (SI: Emerging Soft Computing Methodologies in Deep Learning and Applications)
Enterprise Information Systems (JCR Q2), special issue on Cognitive Computing for Big Data Systems over Internet of Things for Enterprise Information Systems (SI: Cognitive Computing for Big Data Systems over Internet of Things for Enterprise Information Systems)
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (CCF B, IF: 1.8), special issue on Security & Privacy in Social Big Data (SI: SP in Social Big Data)
Journal of System Architecture (SCI index, CCF B), special issue on Mobile Edge Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving (SI: MECAD19, deadline extended)
Computer Communications (JCR Q3, IF: 2.6), special issue on Prediction-based Caching and Computing in Cognitive Communications (SI: CogCommunications)
International Journal of Communication Systems (SCI index, IF: 1.7), special issue on Smart Sensors in Vehicular Communication Networks: Principles, Algorithms, Systems and
Applications (SI: Smart Sensors in Vehicular Communication Networks: Principles, Algorithms, Systems and
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (SCIE, IF: 1.7), special issue on Computational Intelligence Paradigms for Ubiquitous Medical Imaging Systems (SI: Computational Intelligence Paradigms for Ubiquitous Medical Imaging Systems)
Journal of Signal Processing Systems (SCI index), special issue on Big Data Analysis and Privacy (2) (SI: Big Data Analysis and Privacy (2), deadline extended)
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (SCI/SSCI), special issue on User-Centric Service Recommendation in Internet of Things (SI: User-Centric Service Recommendation in Internet of Things)
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (EI index), special issue on Smart Computing and Communication (SI: Smart Computing and Communication)
Transactions on Blockchain Technology and Applications , special issue on Advances in Blockchain and Internet-of-Things (SI: Advances in Blockchain and Internet-of-Things)